The Unexpected Birth of Vita

Sometimes a plan is conceived unbeknownst to us.

Emerging from a a humble bag of clay

and a desire to honor God,

the plan for the Vita pendant formed unaware.

On Mother's Day, Cindy asked for a bag of clay as her gift, without an idea of what she would create.

Deeply grateful for God's life-giving presence in her life and the artistic talent gifted her,

she inquired of how to honor Him.

Instantly, an image of a pre-born baby on a wall plaque formed in her mind.

When friends and family saw this unique and graceful art piece, they strongly encouraged her to translate it into a piece of jewelry.

The Vita pendant was born.

Now crafted in Israel of high quality sterling silver, the Vita pendant beautifully symbolizes the extravagant gift of life God graciously gives us.

In looking back, it is clear to see this was His plan from conception.

The art "studio" in the corner of Cindy's garage.

wall plaque - an Extravagant Gift

The Vita pendant

Embrace the opportunity to Wear Life, Wear Vita